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Kettlebell kings blog

kettlebell turkish get up

Kettlebell Foundations: The Turkish Get Up

Kettlebell Kings Hard Style Series: Turkish Get Up By Doug Fioranelli If you have been on this hardstyle journey with us, congratulations we have made it to our last kettlebell exercise: The Tu...

Kettlebells: Muscular Endurance for Combat Athletes

By Scott Shetler: One of the biggest mistakes I see combat athletes make in their conditioning programs is to overlook the importance of muscular endurance. Muscular endurance is not the same a...
kettlebell snatch

Kettlebell Sport Snatch Basics Part 4

Snatch Basics: PART 4with Lorna Kleidman for @KettlebellKings Listening to the Bell Communication is the most important aspect of any relationship; the lifter and kettlebell relationship is no...
Heavy Kettlebell Lifts Part 2: Atlas Stone Deadlifts With A Heavy Kettlebell
Heavy Kettlebell Workouts

Heavy Kettlebell Lifts Part 2: Atlas Stone Deadlifts With A Heavy Kettlebell

Kettlebells are perhaps the most diverse piece of fitness equipment you can use. Most people probably still think of kettlebells mainly as equipment for high repetition and/or high intensity ...
Ironing Out The Pain: Use Kettlebells To Relieve Neck & Shoulder Pain
Ironing Out The Pain

Ironing Out The Pain: Use Kettlebells To Relieve Neck & Shoulder Pain

By John Parker: THREE LOADED KETTLEBELL STRETCHES TO RELIEVE NECK AND SHOULDER PAIN With one tool, we are armed to master the domain of physical movement and self-care. The kettlebell helps t...
L-Sit Swings For Improving Kettlebell Swings
Body Weight Movements

L-Sit Swings For Improving Kettlebell Swings

We have previously collaborated with Nicholas Anderson of Legion Tactical Athletics in Ventura California in order to demonstrate the utilization of body weight methods for kettlebell trainin...
The Kettlebell Figure 8 For MMA Striking
Grappling Central

The Kettlebell Figure 8 For MMA Striking

Our friend Joey Alvarado is back to talk about his Kettlebell Figure 8 for MMA Striking. Joey was one of the first to incorporate kettlebell training into his jiu jitsu and called it Kettlejit...
Kettlebell Warm-Up: How to Activate Beast Mode Part 1 of 2
Activate Beast Mode

Kettlebell Warm-Up: How to Activate Beast Mode Part 1 of 2

Spending five to 10 minutes on a rowing machine or on the treadmill makes you feel warm, as does sitting in a sauna, doing a few sets of push-ups or drinking hot tea. But there’s a significant...
Intro To Kettlebell Sport Part 4: The Kettlebell Sport Long Cycle
kettlebell sport

Intro To Kettlebell Sport Part 4: The Kettlebell Sport Long Cycle

We received a lot of really positive feedback so far in our series about Kettlebell Sport. So far, we have introduced you to The Kettlebell Sport Swing and The Snatch. Today we bring you The L...