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Kettlebell kings blog

Single Arm Swing Progression For Grappling & MMA
Mike Salemi

Single Arm Swing Progression For Grappling & MMA

We have collaborated on this series with Master of Sport, Mike Salemi (@kettlebelllifestyle) who first taught you the Top 3 Exercises For Grappling & MMA. We recommend oyu start there if t...
Steve Cotter Part 2: Squat & Press Variations
Grappling Central

Steve Cotter Part 2: Squat & Press Variations

In Part 1 of our posts with Steve Cotter for grapplers he demonstrated the importance of posture and showed you a few movements to help. After you have mastered those movements you can apply t...
Kettlebell Sport Basics: Snatch Part 3: The Rules for Traditional Snatch

Kettlebell Sport Basics: Snatch Part 3: The Rules for Traditional Snatch

The Rules for Traditional Snatch: 1- Lifters have 10 minutes to put up as many reps as they can, changing hands one time. 2- Once the lifter puts the bell down, their set is over, but t...
Kettlebell Swing

The Hardstyle One Arm Swing

kettlebell swing View demonstrations below The Hardstyle 1-Arm Swing is focused on power development and alignment with integrity under load. If you want to train your swing to maximize these q...
kettlebell partner passing


By Michael Castrogiovanni Kettlebell Partner Passing (KPP) is a dynamic multi-faceted training system designed to offer physical and mental benefits beyond those of traditional kettlebell exer...
Challenge your mind and body with kettlebell sport
kettlebell sport

Challenge your mind and body with kettlebell sport

For the most part kettlebells are mainstream fitness items now. Most people have heard of them or used them, but most people are still unfamiliar with Kettlebell Sport. We have created an ins...
Kettlebells and Lifting Straps: Why And How To Use Them Together

Kettlebells and Lifting Straps: Why And How To Use Them Together

Kettlebells have become a staple in many gyms and for good reason — they are a simple, easy to use exercise tool that can be used by almost anyone. They come in varying weights from 4kg all the...

12 Days of Kettlebells | Day 9 - Christmas Exercise Set 6

12 Days of Kettlebells Day 9 - Christmas Exercise Set 6 Christmas is getting closer but there’s no time for rest: our 9th day of  kettlebells is our toughest workout so far! S...
Kettlebell Color Coding - What Do The Colors Mean?

Kettlebell Color Coding - What Do The Colors Mean?

We have a lot of colored kettlebells, and when we post them to social media, people frequently ask questions about the color designs, so we thought we would tell you why. There are a few explan...