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Kettlebell kings blog

Author Profile: Cari Satre

Author Profile: Cari Satre

CARI SATRE | Certified Trainer, DVRT & Kettlebell Coach Cari Satre is a highly experienced and certified kettlebell coach and fitness professional. She holds certifications from the National Ac...
Author Profile: Burpee Girl

Author Profile: Burpee Girl

BURPEE GIRL | Fitness Coach and Kettlebell Expert Lisseth Edwards, also known as Burpee Girl, is a certified fitness coach and kettlebell expert with a passion for helping people achieve their fitn...
Author Profile: Alex Karu

Author Profile: Alex Karu

Alex Karu | Kettlebell Coach and Fitness Professional Alex Karu is a kettlebell coach and fitness professional with over a decade of experience in the industry. He is a certified kettlebe...
Introduction to Kettlebell Juggling with Steve Cotter

Introduction to Kettlebell Juggling with Steve Cotter

  Kettlebells are a versatile and effective tool for building strength, endurance, and overall fitness. But did you know that they can also be used for something a little more playful? Kettlebell ...
Explosive Core Kettlebell Core Workout

Explosive Core Kettlebell Core Workout

  Complete 10 Rounds: 20 seconds work, 20 seconds rest Side plank (left) One arm swing (left) Side plank (right) One arm swing (right) Kettlebell swing: the essential kettlebell movement The kettl...
2 Great Full Body Kettlebell Exercises

2 Great Full Body Kettlebell Exercises

Got a kettlebell? Then read this: today we're bringing you a very simple full-body workout in which your body will function as a whole unit. It's composed of just one exercise: the Dead Start Clean...
10 Minute Full Body Kettlebell Workout

10 Minute Full Body Kettlebell Workout

Today we bring you a 10-minute, straight-to-the-point, three-exercise kettlebell workout that you can do any day, at any time. Exercise #1: Two-Hand Clean Squat and PressPosition the kettlebell in...
15 Minute Kettlebell Workout For Fat Loss

15 Minute Kettlebell Workout For Fat Loss

Here's this week's FREE kettlebell workout! Fast, intense, body weights for 15 minutes, doing four exercises for 30 seconds with 15 seconds of rest in-between each of them. Once you complete one s...
12 Leg Workouts to Get Chiseled Legs

12 Leg Workouts to Get Chiseled Legs

Never skip leg day, might you have heard this often. That is because leg days are an essential part to attain a completely balanced fitness routine. It provides speed, strength, and stability. It i...