All You Need To Know About HIIT Workouts

All You Need To Know About HIIT Workouts

HIIT workouts are an effective way to build strength and burn fat.  HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training, and it's a great way to burn fat, build muscle, and increase your metabolism. It involves two kinds of intervals: short bursts of intense activity followed by shorter periods of rest or recovery. It's a form of exercise that alternates between periods of intense exercise and periods of easy exercise. 

HIIT uses intense bursts of exercise followed by shorter breaks. It can be used to help you lose weight, get in shape, build muscle, and more. HIIT workouts are great for people who don't have much time to work out—you can squeeze them into your busy schedule by doing three or four rounds in the morning and two or three at night before bedtime! In this article, we'll tell you about the best HIIT workouts out there on the market today!

How HIIT Workouts Can Be Effective For Weight Loss And Muscle Building?

You may train to be a better version of yourself by using HIIT. During the HIIT phase, your body burns fat faster during bursts and pauses than it would during low-impact exercises like cardio because of the stark disparity in heart rate between the two.

Correctly executed, it can raise the amount of body fat burned per session and raise the resting metabolism. This, in turn, results in weight loss and building muscles by increasing lean muscle in the body.

The Benefits of HIIT Workout

A high-intensity interval workout is a type of workout that consists of a particular set of exercises that are highly intense and structured. The HIIT workouts are workout sessions that can be completed in half of the daily non-intense workouts of traditional methods. HIIT is a very efficient way to reduce weight and support muscle growth. The more benefits of HIIT workout are mentioned below:

  • High-Calorie Burning Sessions: 

    People who are focusing on weight loss and body shaping can find HIIT a very fast working training session. Nowadays, with the increase in the number of obese people all over the world, HIIT workouts have proven to be effective by helping them burn more calories during the session.

    • Increased Metabolism: 

      Due to burning a lot of calories, doing HIIT workouts will help your body to improve its metabolism at a good pace. HIIT also helps to increase the flexibility of your muscles. 

      • Your Body Can Take Up Oxygen In A More Efficient Way: 

        If you regularly practice exercises at an intense level, your lungs and other body parts will be able to absorb oxygen in a much better way and will help you keep away from diseases like asthma.

        • Reduce Your Blood Sugar: 

          Sugar problem is very common in men and women of age above 40 years, regularly practicing HIIT can help in maintaining sugar levels and improve body metabolism.

          • Controls Blood Pressure: 

            This is one of the best advantages of doing HIIT workouts, People having health issues can overcome them by regularly burning a major amount of unwanted calories in the body, especially when it comes to senior citizens where the problem of blood pressure is very common. Regular exercising in the morning can help to maintain blood pressure levels.

            To Get It Started With HIIT Workout

            To get started with HIIT workouts all you need to do is to start with pre-body workout sessions. Some tips include: 

            • Start early in the morning, wake up and get fresh, go to the ground and start jogging to warm up, and then sprint as fast as you can for 20 seconds and then walk at a slow pace for 2-3 minutes. 
            • Repeat this pattern for 10-50 minutes if you are a beginner and after some days of doing this session, you can increase your session time according to your convenience up to 30 minutes not more than that. 
            • And there you go, you will notice a lot of changes in your body and will consider this exercise.

            15 Best HIIT Workouts To Try at Home

            You'll find plenty of options for HIIT workouts below, from bodyweight circuits to burpees, jump rope intervals, and kettlebell swings.

            1. Bodyweight Circuit Training

            Bodyweight circuit training is a great way to build strength and endurance. Bodyweight circuit training exercises include squats, lunges, push-ups, and burpees and help to build leg strength and improve balance. 

            Bodyweight circuit training is tough but effective for boosting heart rate and burning fat quickly. They are full-body exercises that help you burn fat and build overall fitness. They’re also an excellent way to target the chest, shoulders, and arms, as well as your core (back) and legs. You can do it at home or with a group of friends. Here are some examples of bodyweight exercises you could do in a circuit:


              • Squats

                • Stand with your feet together and hold a weight plate above your head. 
                • Lower into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor, then push back up. 
                • Repeat 10 times (or more) with each leg.
              • Lunges

                • Step forward with one foot into an imaginary box that’s about shoulder-width apart from the other
                • Keep both feet planted as if walking forward on level ground through this imaginary box for 15 seconds per leg (for example, 3 sets)
                • Do not use weights when doing lunges—only step out!
            • Burpess

              • To do a burpee stand with your feet together, hands on hips, or fists clenched at the sides. 
              • Jump up into the air while bending at the knees to bring them down toward the ground. 
              • As soon as you touch down with both feet again, jump back up into place. 
              • From there repeat by jumping up again before landing.

            2. Kettlebell Swings

              The kettlebell swing works many muscle groups, including the core, back muscles, hamstrings, glutes, shoulders, and arms. The kettlebell swing is a great exercise to help build your strength and endurance, as well as increase your power. It also helps improve coordination, balance, and core stability.

              How To Do Kettlebell Swings?


              1. Swing the kettlebell up to your chest and then lower it back down.
              2. Squeeze your glutes and keep your back straight as you swing the kettlebell between your legs for 10 to 12 reps. 

              3. Medicine Ball Slams

                Medicine Ball Slams target the ab muscles and improve explosiveness in the upper body. To perform this exercise, you'll need a medicine ball. If you don't have one, consider using a weighted vest or backpack for added resistance. 

                How To Do Medicine Ball Slams?

                1. Start with your body weight and focus on keeping the movement slow and controlled as you lift the ball into the air. 
                2. Aim to get one repetition of each arm in one fluid motion before moving on to another set of reps.
                3. Start with an 8-inch diameter medicine ball that weighs 10% of your body weight (about 25 pounds) and work up in increments until you reach 15% (45 pounds). 
                4. The heavier weights will require more effort but are an excellent way to build muscle strength while also improving explosiveness in the upper body.

                4. Jump Rope Intervals

                Jump rope intervals are an effective way to build speed and strength in your lower body. Try to extend your jumping time over time; ideally, strive for up to 20 to 30 minutes without pausing. Start a timer and time how long you can jump steadily without stopping. If you can, take a quick break and repeat this.

                For warmup, try jumping rope for three to five minutes at a steady, moderate speed to use a jump rope to warm up your muscles before the activity.

                How To Do Jump Rope Intervals?

                1. Pick the appropriate rope. Find a rope that, when folded in half, is almost as tall as your height. This will give you just enough space to jump over the rope without tripping over it.
                2. The rope's handles should be simple to hold and neither overly light nor heavy.
                3. Pick up the rope by getting up. Each of your hands should be on the handle of the rope. Put your hands and forearms out at a 45-degree angle, at least one foot away from your body. You can jump through a wider arc as a result.
                4. Move past the rope. The rope should dangle behind you such that its center lands on the soles of your feet.
                5. The rope can be raised above your head by using your hands and wrists. Don't move your arms; instead, strive to only move your wrists.
                6. Set a tempo that is comfortable for you. It's advisable to move the rope slowly when you're a beginner so you have time to hop briefly between each jump over the rope. 
                7. As you settle into the right beat, maintain your back straight and your eyes fixed directly ahead. You'll be more likely to lose your balance if you keep an eye on your feet while you jump.

                      5. High-knee Sprints Exercise

                High-knee sprints are a great way to get your heart pumping, as they require you to run at top speed while keeping your knees high. You can use a treadmill or run outdoors to perform high-knee sprints, which can be an excellent way to improve cardiovascular fitness and burn calories. 

                How To Do High-Knee Sprints

                1. Start in a plank position with your feet together, arms extended, and hands under your shoulders. From head to heels, your body should be in a straight line.
                2. To help prevent harm to your lower back, contract your abs.
                3. Jump like you're executing a horizontal jumping jack by spreading both feet wide to each side.
                4. As you swiftly bounce your feet back together, maintain your plank position.
                5. Jump back in and out repeatedly. Throughout the entire action, keep your back straight and your hips from dipping. Keep your arms stable at all times.
                6. Start by doing 10–20 seconds of plank jacks. To make the action more difficult, you can jump quicker or work for up to 60 seconds.

                Tip: You should do them early in the day before your main workout so that you avoid burning out during other workouts later in the day.

                      6. Box Jumps Workout 

                Box jumps are a great way to improve power and build leg strength. They can also help you develop coordination, balance, and speed. The box height depends on your fitness level; if you're just starting a new workout routine, start with a box that's just low enough to keep the floor from being too slippery. 

                How To Do Box Jumps Workout?

                1. Put your feet shoulder-width apart and stand in front of the box. 
                2. Swing your arms back, then forward, and leap off the ground while bending into a quarter squat. Land as softly as you can on the box. 
                3. When you land, you should mirror your takeoff stance by keeping your feet flat and your knees slightly bent (but not completely bent). 
                4. You know you've picked a high box when you land in a deep squat rather than a quarter squat.
                5. Start by doing 20–30 box jumps in 3 repetitions.

                Tip: As your fitness improves and you get used to these movements, increase the height of your box so that it becomes more challenging for you but still allows for proper form during each repetition.

                     7. Plank Jacks Exercise  

                Plank jacks are a great way to get in shape and improve cardiovascular endurance. They work the entire body, which means you can use them anytime, anywhere! Plank jacks are easy to do and fun. 

                How To Plank Jacks?

                1. Start face down in a plank position with your forearms and toes on the ground. Your forearms are facing forward, and your elbows are directly under your shoulders. You should be gazing at the ground with your head relaxed.
                2. Draw your navel toward your spine by contracting your abdominal muscles. Your body should remain firm and straight from your ears to your toes, without sagging or bowing. The neutral spine posture is shown here. 
                3. Check that your shoulders are relaxed and not rising toward your ears. Your heels should be higher than your feet's balls. For ten seconds, maintain this posture. Drop to the ground.
                4. Repeat this 3 times.

                Tip: If you're new to this exercise, try starting with just one or two sets of five reps each day for about 20 minutes per session. Progress from there as your strength builds over time by adding more sets or increasing the length of time spent exercising each day (upward of 30 minutes).

                    8. Mountain Climbers

                Mountain climbers are an excellent way to work the upper body and core, as well as boost cardiovascular fitness. This can be done anywhere, so no need for expensive equipment!

                Mountain climbers are also a great way to improve leg strength and coordination, which will help you perform better in all areas of life. You'll want to start slow so there's less risk of injury—but don't forget that this type of HIIT workout burns more calories than other forms of cardio!

                How To Do Mountain Climbers?

                1. Put yourself in a plank position, evenly distributing your weight between your hands and toes.
                2. Your hands should be roughly shoulder-width apart, your back should be flat, your abs should be engaged, and your head should be straight.
                3. As far as you can, pull your right knee into your chest.
                4. Change legs, bringing one knee in and pulling the other out.
                5. Maintain a low hip position while running as quickly and far as you can with your knees. With each leg movement, alternate taking breaths and exhaling.

                Tip: If you're new to mountain climbing or haven't tried it before, start with light weights until you feel comfortable with the movement pattern required.

                    9. Skater Hops

                Skater hops are a great way to work the legs, improve balance and coordination, and get a little cardio in while you're at it. To do this exercise, you can use a chair, bench, or step to start with; this will help keep your feet elevated so that they don't slip on the ground.

                How To Do Skater Hops?

                1. Start in an athletic stance with your chest raised, knees slightly bent, and your eyes straight ahead.
                2. Cross your other foot behind you while standing on one foot, then hop laterally. As you land, keep the landing foot pointed forward.
                3. Naturally, the leg you just jumped on will move behind the other leg. Keep your balance as you hop back and forth and sideways using your arms to drive off the standing leg.
                4. Throughout the entire exercise, keep your chest raised.

                Keep arms straight but not locked at the elbows—this helps with stability as well as staying balanced when moving through space quickly (and if you're going fast enough that you feel like throwing up).

                Tip: Knees should be kept straight but not locked into place either—this helps prevent injury by allowing for maximum power output from each leg during each push-off/jump-forward action (as opposed to just pushing off with one leg only).

                    10. Squat Jumps

                Squat jumps are a great way to improve power and build leg strength. These exercises can also be performed in a group setting, which adds an element of fun to your workout. Just make sure that you're working out with good form by checking out this guide on how to squat and jump safely!

                When it comes to squat jumps, there are two ways you can do them: using weights or without weights (or just using the floor). We've listed both options below so you can choose whichever works best for your current fitness level:

                • Using Weighted Squat Jumps 

                If you have access to weights, one of the easiest ways to increase the intensity of your squat jumps is by adding some weight. You can use dumbbells or kettlebells, which are both great options because they allow you to easily vary the amount of weight that's added depending on your fitness level (or how much space you have).

                Tip: If you're using dumbbells, make sure that you keep your hands close together so that the weights don't hit each other or get in your way. You can also hold onto a barbell for extra stability if needed.

                • Without Using Weighted Squat Jumps 

                If you don't have weights or want to try something different, there are still ways to increase the intensity of your squat jumps. One method is by adding speed. Instead of doing slow, controlled squat jumps with perfect form, try doing some fast ones where you flex your muscles as hard as possible and push yourself up as quickly as possible. 

                Tip: You can also add depth (the amount that you lower yourself down) into the equation by going deeper every time that you jump. This will help build more strength in your legs so that they're ready for lifting weights. 

                How To Do Squat Jumps?

                1. Put your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly.
                2. Kneel and assume a complete squat stance.
                3. Extend through the legs to lift the body off the ground by engaging the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. The feet will be a couple of inches (or more) off the floor when the legs are completely stretched.
                4. For another powerful jump, descend and manage your landing by moving through your foot (heel, toes, ball, and arches).
                5. Immediately after landing, make the following jump.

                     11. Burpee Tuck Jumps

                This is a great workout for beginners. Box jumps can help you improve power and build leg strength, so it’s a good idea to get started with these before moving on to more advanced exercises.

                How To Do Burpee Tuck Jumps?

                1. Start by bracing your core and standing with your feet hip-width apart. 
                2. Stand in a high plank stance with your feet back and your hands on the floor.
                3. After landing in a squat, jump your legs back towards your hands before launching up into a jump and bringing your knees up to your chest.
                4. When you touch down, keep your knees flexible. Repeat this 15-20 times.

                     12. Lunges With Dumbbells

                Lunges are a great exercise to build leg strength and improve balance. They also work the glutes and hamstrings, which are important for overall fitness. To add resistance to lunges, you can use dumbbells

                How To Do Lunges With Dumbbells?

                1. Grab the dumbbells and stand tall
                2. Step one leg in front of you and lunge
                3. Stand up through the front leg
                4. Repeat the steps 15-20 times.

                     13. Push-up Jacks

                Push-ups are a great exercise for building your upper body and core. They work the shoulders, arms, back, and chest muscles in addition to improving strength in your legs and glutes.

                How To Do Push-up Jacks?

                1. Place hands about shoulder width apart (or farther if you'd like).
                2. Lower yourself until your chest touches the floor then push back up into an upright position so that you are standing up with straight arms. 
                3. Then lower yourself again so that your elbows form 90 degrees with each other.
                4. Repeat this pattern until you've done 20 reps of each movement before moving on to another exercise or activity,

                      14. Bulgarian Split Squats

                This exercise is great for building leg strength, balance, and coordination. To do it, you'll need a chair or bench to sit on so that your knees don't go beyond your toes. 

                The back leg of the Bulgarian split squat is raised on a bench or a strong chair in place of the front leg. The exercise, a unilateral, single-leg squat, places a greater emphasis on the quadriceps than other comparable lower-body compound motions.

                How To Do Bulgarian Split Squats?

                1. Find a step, bench, or other device that you can use to rest your foot; it should be about knee height.
                2. Put yourself in a forward lunge with your back foot elevated on the bench, your torso upright, your core tight, and your hips aligned with your body. About half a meter should be between your leading leg and the bench.
                3. Maintaining your knee in alignment with your foot, lower yourself until your front thigh is virtually horizontal. Keep your front knee from extending past your toes.
                4. Keep your motions measured as you return to the starting position by driving up with your front heel.

                Note: Keep your back straight, chest up, and abs tight as you bend forward from hips until they are parallel to the floor; then push yourself back up using only your legs (don't use momentum).

                Tip: Knees should not go beyond toes; if they do, change position slightly until they're aligned properly. Also, your shoulders should be back—and keep them there throughout the entire movement!

                   15. Step-ups With Kettlebells

                Step-ups with Kettlebells can be a great way to work on your legs and improve your power. This exercise can be done anywhere, but it is best to have a step or bench available. Stepping up targets the gluteal muscles in the buttocks, the quadriceps, the hamstrings, and this area. This is an effective lower-body training exercise in general.

                How To Do Step-ups With Kettlebells?

                1. You need a Kettlebell and a little step stool to perform a step-up. You might also pause in front of the staircase. 
                2. Lift your body onto the step by pushing primarily with your lead foot. 
                3. Then, take a step back to where you were before. Repeat this 20 times.

                Beginner Tips For HIIT Workouts

                • Every person who is starting to work out is a beginner at the starting stage so to manage the body in the right direction.
                • HIIT workouts are kept as short sessions because they consist of highly intense workouts, if they are done over a long time continuously they can cause heart/ breathing issues. To maintain the heart rate properly, HIIT workouts are constructed in a sequential short manner.

                Explore on your level and surely you will get the pattern. HIIT workouts can be of big help to you. Don’t lose a chance and underestimate your health over a good routine.


                We hope you found this list of HIIT workouts helpful. We also recommend reading our article on the best workout routines for runners as a good starting point for beginners. In conclusion, HIIT workouts are great for anyone looking to get in shape fast. They will help you burn fat and build muscle. However, it is important not to overdo it and go too far with these exercises as they can lead to injury or even overtraining syndrome where your body becomes too used to certain exercises and fails to recover adequately from them.