Hinge Based Kettlebell Swing

Strengthens: Hamstrings, glutes, core, arms, forearms

Key Points: The body position in backswing should like a deadlift: shoulders at hip level or slightly above, neutral spine, slight bend in the knees. Drive explosively with the hips and glutes to come out of the backswing.


Pendulum Kettlebell Swing


Strengthens: Hamstrings, glutes, quads, core, forearms

Key Points: Pendulum swing: most efficient way to swing the kettlebell (its natural path), distributes load through more of the body instead of concentrated on hamstrings & glutes, ensures upward momentum of the bell (better for transitioning to rack or overhead). Master bend-straighten, bend-straighten action of the legs first without a kettlebell.


Alternating Kettlebell Swings

Strengthens: Hamstrings, glutes, quads, core, forearms

Set Up: Start with bell slightly in front of shoulders in hinge position. Spine neutral, shoulders just above hip level. Feet about hip width apart. Set hook grip on the bell. Can go thumb forward or thumb back


Double Kettlebell Swings

Strengthens: Hamstrings, glutes, quads, core, forearms

Set Up: Feet should be a bit wider than hip width apart, especially if bringing both kettlebells between the legs. Start with bells slightly in front of shoulders in hinge position, so you have to reach forward to grab hold of the handles. Spine neutral and shoulders just above hip level. Engage the upper back and lats by pulling the shoulders down and away from the ears.


Dead Stop Kettlebell Swings

Strengthens: Hamstrings, glutes, core

Set Up: Start with bell slightly in front of shoulders in hinge position. Spine neutral, shoulders just above hip level, set lats & shoulders by "breaking" the bell handle. Feet about hip width apart or slightly wider.


Kettlebell Swing Step

Strengthens: Hamstrings, glutes, core

Set Up: Place the bell slightly in front of the shoulders in a hinge position with feet about hip width apart. Spine neutral, shoulders just above hip level, set lats & shoulders by "breaking" the bell handle.